
Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya Les tècniques pictòriques i els motius representats en l’art rupestre de la nostra prehistòria. Las técnicas pictóricas y los motivos representados en el arte rupestre de nuestra Prehistoria....

Dark Vales

Article written by Alx Phillips (“A literary landscape”) About the English translation of Els sots feréstecs “Dark Vales” Translated by Alan Yates, edited by Eva Bosch Barcelona Metropolitan Issue...

Genesis – February 1988 (train from Paris to Amsterdam)

There was a time when fish could fly and birds could live inside the sea. Water was hot and fire was cold and the body of the earth was made of a transparent substance and heavy clouds. Around the earth creatures lived, they flew and swam. They sang to the tune of the...


I do have a few ideas borne from experiencing my chaotic passions and I often think that being a Spaniard, a woman and a painter I mirror myself very much in Picasso’s character, hence why I have attempted to say something about him and his work. During my formative...